Sunday 7 November 2010


When was the last time i been crying.?probably 2+ years ago... I havent got a clue why I cried today.. just wanted to mark the date down to keep that in mind... So that I can refresh myself couple years later....why cry?no idea...When cry? while watching a hk movie...and cry for how long? 5 minutes? 10minutes maybe....anyway..maybe is a way to de-stress....ya true, I am a sensitive what ?guy cant be sensitive?just gals that are allowed to be sensitive?cut that crap....yes I am a man and im what ?I am not gay stop saying that ..!!fk u all ...

Anyway....What a good day ....the crying day !!7/11/10

Saturday 4 September 2010

missing something ...

where is my motivation these days? the bloody mood keep going up and down ..floating like a boat ....that faces sudden waves ....I hate this feeling ....I hate it...what am i suppose to do to get rid of that?I think I need to find another new motivation in life ...Keep losing this and that .....harloooo...Benny boy ..where have u been lately ?u seems abit lost in the air ...floating like a boat ....doing things that u urself don really know and will do normally ...saying things that not suppose to say and missing things that u r not suppose to miss ...Gosh ...!!once is enuff and twice is abit more than enuff ...dont lost urself again ...u r not suppose to ...!!!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Finding the REAL me..

Sometimes when u r stressout..then you might just wondering where n what you are atcually doing on a daily basis...I think im losing myself out totally ....Cant find the real me ...Maybe I need sometimes to take a break and relax myself physically and mentally down my mind ...not to stress myself out too much at work ...and also take a break if possible...sometimes just wondering why everytime when I lost something..I just went uncontrol in everything..Life...relationship ...friendship and etc...Does that really the real me...people just seeing the surface and start judging me about my interior ...I hate the fact that why I behave like this and makes people thought of that.. Why cant I just be myself and forget about the others...Missing someone in your mind all the time will also make you stress-out too much ....Alcohol is a 'poison' in your life..drinking can really makes you forget things but what you need to suffer after is even worst....I hate hang-over feeling ...I hate being judged by the others for no reasons....excuses need to be avoided and I think what I really need to do is start to focus on my life again life is a mess for what I see now even though I enjoy myself really much ..But I am losing myself too ...

Finding yourself and notify who you are is not the easiest thing in life...But thats the greatest test that you need to go through in life...meaning that I need to get back on my trackmill and start running hard and pushing hard for life again ..Not slacking back like what I am now ....

Joke of the day that I got from an Old man at work ..

Alcohol contains lots of woman hormon..

The more you drink ..the more bull shits from yourself..

and the more you drink ...the more careless you are while driving..

Might takes someone a while to understand that discrimination against woman...ITs just a joke of the day from MAN ..and I presume that there might be more jokes about Man from woman anyway ..

Ben need to find yourself and the world is your oyster....!!

Saturday 7 August 2010

happy Birthday

little evil sister. ..happy birthday to u ...wish u pretty always la ...stop being so stupid la ..n stop being so evil to me ....n hor ..when u get married hor ....make sure u let me be ur wedding crashier har ..okie ??deal ....

hahaha ........i love u my dear sister ..take care !!


刚在寄宿学校的前几个月,每天晚上总要和妈妈投诉和解闷,每回都要吵着妈妈要回家。回到那温暖的家里,过着像少爷一样的生活。总感觉在学校里的生活很不适合我这个少爷的性格。如何要我在这个充满马来人同胞的学校里过活。全校里只有不到五名bumiputera,而我也是少数的华人之一。刚开始,连马来文也说不上几句的我,到后来离校时,居然能说的比马来同胞说的马来话还要好。连我的马来朋友也觉得不可释义。在寄宿学校里的回忆,真的是我一备子难忘。以前常想,我要快快的挨完这艰辛的两年,然后重获自由,而且还经常强迫自己忘记以前不开心的东西。如在学校里遭到马拉朋友的欺负,种族歧视等等。常觉得那是个很可悲的回忆,可是,渐渐的长大了,才发现原来在你生命中,还有更多你尽全能也想要忘记的东西。而那些你小时想要忘记的,却让长大的你尽努力地把那你当时觉得悲哀的回忆给想起来。回想起以前的回忆,记得一大帮朋友在夜深人静的时候,大家在黑漆漆的房里,围在一块,用雪糕的罐子,把maggi mee全都放在一起,然后大家围在一起,谈天说地,然后一起分享那热热却又温暖的面条时,那种热情与感觉,是一辈子再也找不回来的。大家在一起玩乐,一起为了学业而拚到夜深人静的时候,那种感觉,不是一般在社会的华人能了解的。每天早上被学校里的ustaz拿着藤鞭把我们给吵醒,在那温暖的背子里爬醒,走出那冷冷的房间,被冷冷的水给冲醒。然后又为自己一天的学业而奋斗时,那种感觉,真的是我这一辈子也不能忘记的。有时还为了缺水的问题,和朋友们在那一望无际的校园里找寻,找寻着那一细细的希望。就像你在自己的人生中努力地找寻自己的目标一样。当看到那微且细细的流水从水候头里流出时,当下的感动和兴奋,真的不是一般人能理解的。而几个光着上半身的我们,就这样在那大大球场旁边,痛快地冲起凉来,也不在介意是否他人会看见我们的丑态。
每个月回家的时候是最快乐的时候,从学校里搭着那破烂且闷热的巴士到达大山脚summit square,然后还得搭另一辆巴士到北海,才能搭上那回家的长途巴士。跟着几个一起回家的马来同胞们,大家在巴士里有说有笑的,高谈阔论的,无所不谈。而且每回要抵达终点时,我们总会不约而同地唱起歌来:“balik kampung...ohhh...balik kampung.."现在想起,还有一点回味呢!

Thursday 5 August 2010

you are my angel .......very nice song

A song that been sent through by someone ......very nice song ...meaning full...relaxing .....wanted to share with others...

