Sunday 11 July 2010

The meaning behind ...

It was a lovely day today, with a cup of nice cappucino...I was having this lovely conversation with a friend of my ..and his GF ....the conversation started quite well n end up discussing about r/s ...about women and man ..about what ppl wan in their life .... n end up having this conclusion that woman always aware of wat they want when they get older ....and man are being the other way round ....i been noticing that women are cruel when it comes to an end in a r/s while man always being silly and un-known about what they want vice-versa .....But why is that ??why cant ppl being abit open with what they want and always being flexible...?why cant ppl do that in terms to achieve target together ...some says that u guys in terms of partner need to always share the same 'Goal'...but what r the same goal .....if u r not willing to share the same goal ...will there means the relationship should end ..?how often that u can find the same goal together ...why cant each other just compromise together ..compromise each other wills ...compromise each other willingness ...and ambitious together ...!!!as what ppl always said are like Wine and women are like Cheese ...The older the man are ...they are more rare ...where the older the women are ....the less chance of them getting a guy ...Im not totally convince with the saying as why should the man become older...they can attract women easily ....and wise versa....Does that means that woman are more realistic when they gets older ....??I hate that personally ....If u love or willing to spend ur life with someone..then u need to not caring about if he/she had the money ....u need to care and know that either u can spend the rest of ur life with him/her .....thats the main thing .......

All are only my own opinions .....but this is wat i thought ....Willing to give up everything to the others doesnt means that the other will apperciate it ..but this is just me ..another silly ben and another silly episod of mine ...!!!

lolz ...

U need to touch the leg of the pope statue to make wishes ..and hope that the wishes u made will come true ..!!!n me...cooby ...vincent and my little dearest sister did it ....once in our life time ...and hopefully what We wish will come true in Life ....

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