Saturday 10 July 2010


Being ignore or being isolated when u need someone the most is always the hardest thing to take...Especially when u r in a hard situation or difficult senarios that u need someone to consult u ...give u advices ....or someone that u can moan to in order to release stress or temper ...but if the person that u wanted to get in touch with being such an ignorence person.. then wat u should do ?give the person a big wack ?or give the person an excuse that that person is being busy or watever. ....always put expectation on someone and end up getting upset is not the best thing to do...ppl always being selfish where they onli care bout themselves no matter in terms of money, relationship, life and etc....but why should we?As wat ppl said ....watever goes around comes long as u r good to someone ...even if they don appreciate it ....someone will ...n i believe that too...I think i need to stop saying the fact that ...SAME SHIT ..DIFFERENT DAY ..!!!need to be ...DIFFERENT DAY...SAME SHIT instead ......!!!

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